Thursday, July 5, 2012

Worship Preparation Guide for Sunday, July 8

The first six verses of Hebrews 13 address the Christian living “out in the world” while verses 7-19 focus on life within the fellowship of the local church.   These verses will give us specific truths that help us faithfully run and finish this race of faith.  This Sunday we will see that faith that finishes well considers the lives of those who have shepherded our souls as Christian leaders: first, those men and women who taught us God’s Word in the past; and of course the Eternal One who shepherds our souls yesterday, today and forever. 

Remember your leaders,
those who spoke to you the word of God.
Consider the outcome of their way of life,
and imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today
and forever.  (Hebrews 13:7-8)

We will consider some very practical eternal truths that come from this passage.  Foundational to each of these is the fact that Christ is unchangeable.  The technical term for Christ’s ‘unchangeability’ is known as His immutability. To say that Jesus is immutable is to say He is unchangeable.  As you prepare for worship this Sunday consider these three truths:

Jesus is the same yesterday.  The founder of our salvation was made perfect through His suffering.  It was in the past that Jesus took on flesh and blood, suffered and tasted death, freeing us from the fear of death and He rescued us from the wrath of God.  His eternal sacrifice made a way for us to come to God. (Heb 2: 10-ff)

Jesus is the same today.  We can draw near to God’s throne with confidence because we have a High Priest who today is seated at the Father’s right hand sympathizing with our weaknesses and interceding on our behalf.  (Heb 4: 14-ff)

Tomorrow Jesus will not change.  He is the same forever.  He ever lives as the mediator of the new covenant and as our ever-living intercessor. (Heb 7:22-ff)

Come worship this Sunday with a confident and thankful heart:  No matter what lies ahead in your life or in this ever-changing world, Jesus is unchanging in His care for us and His grace given to us.  As we saw in last week’s text:  “He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

This Sunday we will hear a new song that speaks of Jesus’ immutability – His ‘unchangeability’.  You can hear “You Never Change” on YouTube at this site:

Father of lights, giver of gifts,
there is no shadow in You;
Author of life, Fountain of grace
each morning Your mercies are new;
And You never change, and You never lie,  
Age to age You are the same,
I will trust in You, all Your faithfulness,
For I know You never change.

Father of love, source of all good,
Tower of strength and my shield;
When You gave Your Son for those who rebelled,
Your love for the world was revealed;
And You never change, and You never lie
Age to age You are the same,
I will trust in You, all Your faithfulness
For I know You never change.

Father of peace, help of the weak
Though mountains fall into the sea;
Though tempests may rage, the sun hide its face,
Your favor will rest upon me;
And You never change, and You never lie,  
Age to age You are the same,
I will trust in You, all Your faithfulness
For I know You never change.

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