Thursday, June 7, 2012

Remember Those Who Are in Prison

Our sermon this week will come from Hebrews 13:3: 

The following story provides insight into how we can Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”


“Dad, I think we’re being followed.”

Yasemin* drummed her fingers nervously on the car door. Her father kept on driving the familiar route to drop her off at English class, singing a praise song to Jesus as he drove.

Yasemin turned around and looked back.

“Dad. We’re being followed.”

He sang louder.

“Would you take it seriously?”

Not missing a beat, he changed his lyrics mid-verse and belted out a song of his own: “I’m going to prison today!”

James* knew the signs. He’d already been in prison once for his faith in Jesus. That day made it a second.

In the region where James and his family live, people bend over backward to show hospitality. Go to your neighbors’ home, and they spread out a feast for you and heap your plate high with special food. Leave your wallet somewhere, and people will guard it until you return.

“In lieu of an armored car, I’ve seen cars left unattended with the trunk open and piles of cash inside. No one would dare bother it,” a friend of James said.

In his country, they take care of each other.

But share Christ openly, and they may torture you.

The remainder of this compelling story can be seen at the Biblical Recorder website:

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