I read the following on The Gospel Coalition Blog, and wanted to share it. It is relevant to the Ammendments One discussion here in North Carolina. This is a short
excerpt from an address at the 2004 Desiring God National Conference. This address is now published as a chapter in
the book Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. This brief portion speaks loudly to where we
are in our society today, who we are, and how those who follow Christ should
love those around us.
longer excerpt of this quote is here, and the entire book is available at no cost in PDF at
this link.
must be the people who love homosexuals more than homosexuals love
homosexuality. This is a tough challenge. We have to be the people who, because
we are possessed by a passion to see God’s glory in his creation, love
homosexuals more than they love their sin. This means that our love has to be a
tenacious love. This will also require that we come to know and establish
relationships with those struggling with homosexuality. Armed with an awareness
of both the problem and God’s provision, we have no right to consider that
homosexuals are beyond the grace of God or that any individual is beyond the
hope of redemption and transformation. Compassionate truth-telling is deeply
rooted in Christian love, and this means that we must love homosexuals more
than homosexuals love homosexuality.
sinner loves his sin, but the church must love sinners more than sinners love
their sinfulness. This is precisely how Christ has loved us, and we must love
other sinners even as Christ has loved us.
cannot allow a homosexual to reduce his identity to being a homosexual. This is
a tough message, but we live in an age of identity politics when people say,
“What I do in my sex life is who I am—period!” We are the people who know that
this is nonsense. Sex is a part of who we are—a vitally important and powerful
part—but it is only a part of the total human being. Our sexual desires and
sexual practices are genuine pointers to our inner reality and our relationship
to God, but sexuality is not the end of the story.
must be the people who refuse to put the period at the end of the sexual
sentence. We cannot allow homosexuals to be isolated as a class of persons who
are beyond the grace of God and exist in some special category of human
sinfulness. We must be the people who say to homosexuals, “I am going to love
you even more than you love your sin, because in this same way I was loved
until I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone loved me more than I loved
my sin, and this is how I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.” (Al Mohler)
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